The Disney Company Gives to Others

The holidays are my favorite time of year. Bright lights, time with family, homecooked meals: I could not ask for more! The time spent with those that we love is always significant, but it is important to remember that is not always the reality for all people. The Walt Disney Company recognizes this, and does what they can to give back in a lot of really big ways!

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The largest way that guests see Disney give back is through the Make-A-Wish foundation. If you’ve spent any significant amount of time in the parks, more than likely you’ve at least stood in line with a Make-A-Wish family. Wishes are granted to children with live-threatening illnesses. Each cast member is responsible to ensure that these families are taken care of so that all of their wishes can be granted in a stress-free manner, and most importantly, that the family is spending precious moments together. In 2015 Disney also promoted the “Share Your Ears” campaign where each photo with ears was shared, donations were made to Make-A-Wish.


Have you heard of the Black Panther Program here Disney donated $1 million to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America for STEM programs? Or more recently Disney’s support of the Wildlife Conservation Newtwork’s Lion Recovery Fund as a part of their Protect the Pride program? These are all part of Disney’s Charitable Giving’s program. Here, The Walt Disney Company is directly giving money to charitable organizations. You can stay up to date on Disney’s current projects here:


For the last seven years, Disney has sponsored the Magic of Storytelling Campaign. Each year, Disney partners with First Book, a nonprofit organization that provides new books to children in low-income families. This is a campaign that guests are directly involved in the outcome, and Disney has donated 23 million books to children in just the last five years. Last year, there were three ways to participate: Disney did one-for-one donations for every book purchased at a Disney Store, or downloaded from Disney’s digital reading platform, Shelfies (selfies with your favorite book or in front of a book shelf) shared on instagram or twitter with the hashtag #MagicofStorytelling signaled a book donation from Disney, and Disney sponsored a trip to the Aulani resort in Hawaii and for every sweepstakes entry, Disney donated a book. Last year’s campaign ran from January through March, and you know I’ll be excitedly anticipating the start this year (and fingers crossed for another Aulani sweepstakes).  

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If you are, or have ever been a Cast Member, you’ll be familiar with Disney’s program “VoluntEARS.” Cast members volunteer through projects like the Disney Hospital Care Package Program, Toys for Tots, and just generally going out into the community to lend a helping hand. While I was a Cast Member, our location participated in a Toys for Tots bowl-a-thon.


There are tons of other programs that I didn’t even touch on like the Disney Musicals in Schools program, The Walt Disney Company’s environmental and healthy living efforts, Disney Team of Heros, and Disney’s support of FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology and Girls Who Code. You can stay updated on Disney’s current efforts on, and through their annual CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) reports.

 Disney is also a founding partner of the Give Kids the World (GKTW) Village. The GKTW Village is located in central Florida and provides cost-free vacations to children with critical illnesses and their families. This interactive village is a dream for any kid to visit. At 84-acres it houses full lodging accommodations, entertainment, and activities tailored for their guests. Give Kids the World also ensures that each child can have their wish fulfilled by visiting not only Disney World, but central Florida’s other parks.

This holiday season while we fill our plates with pie, and gush over things gained I urge that if you can, take a day to help someone else. As a wise donkey once said, “a little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.”

Wanderlust Journeys wants to giveback. Many of us have volunteered at the amazing Give Kids the World Village. If you feel so moved this holiday season to help us raise funds to help kids forget about their illness and enjoy their dream Walt Disney World Vacation please CLICK HERE to make a donation.


Larissa Papas is an independent, contributing Blogger and Writer for Wanderlust Journeys LLC. All information, views and opinions are not affiliated or shared by Wanderlust Journeys, it’s employees, contractors or suppliers.

Larissa Papas